Thursday 7 June 2012


Is it possible to build a temple for the one who pervades the entire Cosmos? Can anyone give a name to the one who is present in all beings?Is it possible to give a bath to the one who is present in all rivers?
Man out of his ignorance attributes a particular form and offers his prayers,names and forms are transient. This world is sustained by the principle of love which is uniformly present in the five elements (Land,water,Fire,Air and Ether) without love,there is neither nature nor world. We can worship divinity in a number of ways,but all the worship will prove futile if there is no love in it.

The five elements are responsible for the sustenance of human life and the world at large.Everything will come to a standstill even if anyone of the 5 elements are missing.We hear the sound with our ears,we see the world with our eyes.In this manner ,we are able to experience the world through our five senses.Man has forgotten the divine and is striving to attain bliss through means of worldly pursuits.It is said "Jantunam nara janma durlabham" (Out of all beings,human birth is the rarest).Infact, human being is essentially divine.

Dharma, Artha,Kama and Moksha are prescribed as the four goals of human life.But, man today has givenup Dharma and Moksha.He is running after Artha and Kama.Some people argue " How can you say that God is present everywhere when we do not actually see him? How is it possible for him to hear our prayers? Infact, sound is the very form of god.There is no place,where there is no sound. Do not doubt or deny his existence just because he is not visible to the naked eye. The creation and the creator are one.

Jewels are many but gold is one
Cows are many but milk is one
Beings are many but breath is one

No one can describe God as having this form or that form.He permeates the entire universe. God responds according to your feelings towards him.Veda declares " Ekam Sath Viprah Bahudha Vadanti" ( Truth is one, but the wise refer to it by various names) When situation demands, divine incarnations appear on earth and play a role in cosmic drama.We may have difficulties today,but tomorrow it will be different. Difficulties are like passing clouds, they will certainly give way to happiness.If you are undergoing difficulties, do not get disheartened, have faith that whatever happens is for one's own good.Hapiness and sorrow co exist, one cannot attain happiness without undergoing difficulties.All the good and bad lies in our mind, they are not outside.Hence, it is important to correct the feelings in the first instance.When we perform our actions with divine feelings,they are sure to yield good results. Lets not criticize or deny the very presence of divine lord.